OPTIONS -CFFlange w/Membrane Clamp -SVSealed Cover w/Vacuum Handle -DBDome Bottom Strainer -VPSecured Grate -FBFilter Basket -3Q3/4 Reinforced Perf. Grate -HG1/2 Reinforced Perf. Grate -316316 Stainless Steel -LGLadder Grate -501/2" Primer Tap -MGAnti-Slip Mesh Grate -NGNo Grate -NHNo-Hub Outlet -PFBPre-Fabricated Base -TThreaded Outlet -SBSediment Bucket TSOThreaded Side Outlet -SGPerimeter Slot Plate Grate ZSONo-Hub Side Outlet -SKSealed Cover with Key Bolt TYPE # PIPE SIZE NOM D H H1 + 42552 2" 42553 3" 42554 4" Cross Reference Guides This cross reference guide offers the best cross reference from other drain manufacturer’s products to a Josam equivalent series. You may need to add options to the Josam series to match the other manufacturer’s options. In some cases, adding options on a competitor’s model will require a different Josam series than the one selected in this chart. If you need assistance with product cross reference, please contact Josam Customer Service. JR Smith Mifab Wade Watts Zurn
OPTIONS -CFFlange w/Membrane Clamp -SVSealed Cover w/Vacuum Handle -DBDome Bottom Strainer -VPSecured Grate -FBFilter Basket -3Q3/4 Reinforced Perf. Grate -HG1/2 Reinforced Perf. Grate -316316 Stainless Steel -LGLadder Grate -501/2" Primer Tap -MGAnti-Slip Mesh Grate -NGNo Grate -NHNo-Hub Outlet -PFBPre-Fabricated Base -TThreaded Outlet -SBSediment Bucket TSOThreaded Side Outlet -SGPerimeter Slot Plate Grate ZSONo-Hub Side Outlet -SKSealed Cover with Key Bolt TYPE # PIPE SIZE NOM D H H1 + 42552 2" 42553 3" 42554 4" Cross Reference Guides This cross reference guide offers the best cross reference from other drain manufacturer’s products to a Josam equivalent series. You may need to add options to the Josam series to match the other manufacturer’s options. In some cases, adding options on a competitor’s model will require a different Josam series than the one selected in this chart. If you need assistance with product cross reference, please contact Josam Customer Service. JR Smith Mifab Wade Watts Zurn