OPTIONS -BWButt-Weld Outlet (avail 10,40,80) -TThreaded Outlet -FBFilter Basket -VPSecured Grate -FCAnchor Flange and Clamp -316Type 316L Material -SBSediment Bucket TD.LENGTHTotal Run Length TYPE # GRATE TYPE 46312 REINFORCED 46313 " 46314 " 46322 ANTI-SLIP MESH 46323 " 46324 " 46332 SOLID/PERIMETER 46333 " 46334 " 46342 LADDER 46343 " 46344 " Cross Reference Guides This cross reference guide offers the best cross reference from other drain manufacturer’s products to a Josam equivalent series. You may need to add options to the Josam series to match the other manufacturer’s options. In some cases, adding options on a competitor’s model will require a different Josam series than the one selected in this chart. If you need assistance with product cross reference, please contact Josam Customer Service. JR Smith Mifab Wade Watts Zurn
OPTIONS -BWButt-Weld Outlet (avail 10,40,80) -TThreaded Outlet -FBFilter Basket -VPSecured Grate -FCAnchor Flange and Clamp -316Type 316L Material -SBSediment Bucket TD.LENGTHTotal Run Length TYPE # GRATE TYPE 46312 REINFORCED 46313 " 46314 " 46322 ANTI-SLIP MESH 46323 " 46324 " 46332 SOLID/PERIMETER 46333 " 46334 " 46342 LADDER 46343 " 46344 " Cross Reference Guides This cross reference guide offers the best cross reference from other drain manufacturer’s products to a Josam equivalent series. You may need to add options to the Josam series to match the other manufacturer’s options. In some cases, adding options on a competitor’s model will require a different Josam series than the one selected in this chart. If you need assistance with product cross reference, please contact Josam Customer Service. JR Smith Mifab Wade Watts Zurn